Thursday, 3 April 2014

24 March 2014: Random Thoughts on Love

I let out a long sigh and realised I was just sitting there staring…thinking.  Thinking about the past, present and the future.  Wondering why things go the way they do and why they never work out the way I hope.  After thinking the same thing over and over, I was beginning to realise it was because of expectations.  I set the bar high for reality, imagining how things will go and work out, always ending up disappointed when they differ from what the expectations I had dreamt up.  The cause for getting lost in my thoughts tonight was the same as any other night. Males. I don’t know who thought up the quote “Can’t live with them, can’t live without them”, but in relation to males, it is 100% correct. Ask any teenage girl…they would have had at least one problem with a certain male in the last few months. Sure males are probably in the same boat when it comes to girls, but I am not under that category. My main problems with males are that the ones I like don’t like me back. Actually, truthfully, they don’t even know I like them. I’m one of those girls that keeps quiet and crushes from afar. They are never far away in my thoughts but in reality, the most communication I have with them is by stalking their Facebook page.

Oh man, how sad is that? Stalking their Facebook page. Truly shows how successful my love life is huh.

Sure I get guys talking to me and wanting to hang out, but it always seems to be the guys that you don’t want to hang out with. The ones that are interested in you, you aren’t interested in and vice versa. I strongly believe that true love is a rare thing and once you find it, it will never be taken away. No matter the circumstances, that love will continue to exist in both people’s hearts and will only grow stronger as time and distance increases. Some memories may fade but that love won’t only need memories to exist.

And it’s scary to think about the fact that you could believe you love someone, your boyfriend, your fiancé, but then you meet your real true love. How rare is it that you will end up at the same place at the same time? And what does true love feel like? Do you know at the exact second of seeing someone? Does it happen after you talk to them for the first time? After the first smile passed between you and him? The first few seconds of joint eye contact? Is love at first sight really a thing? Does it exist? I always used to say that looks don’t matter in a relationship, but I’ve realised that they really do. You can meet the nicest guy who is a complete gentleman but if you are not attracted to him, it just won’t work out. You won’t get the good kind of butterflies in your stomach every time you see him, you won’t feel the few seconds of joy every time you see a text from him, and you won’t be interested in absolutely everything he says. Everyone deserves to have their true love. To find that someone that makes them want to get out of bed every morning and be a better person in every way. It shouldn’t just be a fairy tale or a dream in the back of everyone’s mind. It shouldn’t be so rare that people question its existence. It should be something for people to dream about, but be it a dream that will come true. A dream that’s in the very distant future.

1 comment:

  1. Loved this! I agree with a lot of what you said about love and have a lot of thoughts like these.


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